During the late 1800's Engadine evolved into a village populated mainly with immigrants from Europe. Originally named Kennedy's Siding, its name was later changed to Engadine, after a valley in Switzerland. At first, logging was the main industry and this attracted many settlers. Shortly after, farming developed in the area just north of town and Engadine became the center of this farming community. During the mid-1900's tourism became more of a factor and turned into an industry, which is still growing.

Today, Engadine's infrastructure consists of two major roadways consisting of US-2, which runs one mile south of the town and M-117, which runs directly through the town center. Engadine also has natural gas, the railroad, cable tv and fiberoptic internet. Other resources, which are contained in the community or are adjacent to it, are Agricultural Land, Forests, and Dolomite. Retail Services in Engadine include an auto parts store, hardware/lumber store, gas station, grocery store, bar, restaurant and a food/clothing pantry. Professional services include a bank, insurance agent, carpenters, health clinic, dental clinic and a lumber mill. Professional services include a bank, an insurance agent, a cabinetmaker, a garage, two wrecker services, carpenters, a health clinic, and a dentist. Engadine also has one active lumber mill.

Engadine is also the center of Garfield Township Government and hosts the majority of Township services, which include a fire department, an ambulance corps, a newly remodeled Town Hall, a beautiful park, and a museum. Engadine is also home to a State Highway Garage and a Mackinac County Road Commission Garage. Both are bases for snow removal and road maintenance. The town also has a post office, three denominations of churches, an American Legion Post, and a Lions Club. Engadine is also home to Engadine Consolidated School System, which is a K-12 system serving not only Garfield Township, but also the surrounding townships of Newton, Hudson, and Hendricks. During the mid-1990s, the school had over $2 Million in improvements implemented, which include a modern library that is open to the public.

Although Engadine is a very modern community, nature is still in abundance and provides the town with a rural atmosphere that the residents cherish.